chimney corners

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Entry #8: Reflection on Mother to Son by Langston Hughes

"Life for me ain't been no crystal stair"
Life is full of challenge. For the "mother" in the poem, her life is far from perfect. It is full of "tacks and splinters" for her to wade around. The  message that Langston Hughes creates, talks about the "mother's" life, as well as the life of anyone who is going through a rough time.

When people are struggling they are tempted to give up on wading around "tacks and splinters", or barriers. The "mother" is like a mentor, leading people, and keeping them moving. She has done something that few people can do: keep a positive attitude.

This poem teaches us to never stop trying to reach the top of the stairs. If I said that what was at the top of the stairs is better than what people already had, I would be saying that the grass is greener on the other side, which is not true. Mother to Son has the opposite message. This poem says to enjoy getting past each challenge and go on with life; just don't turn around or get scared away. In other terms, live life to it's best and fullest.

Life isn't a crystal stair for me nor the people who claim to have perfect lives. Perfect doesn't exist, but determination does. Have a goal but don't let it ruin you.

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