chimney corners

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Reflection on Social Issues Reaserch- The Holocaust

I read Krystyna's Story and Irena Sendlerowa's Story. These two stories are about people in the holocaust. The sacrifices told about were unbelievable.

Krystyna went into hiding as a 7 year old. She stayed in Poland's sewer system with her family for over a year. Krystyna didn't have a choice other than death, but she pushed through the horribleness of the sewer with a positive attitude.

During  Krystyna's stay in the sewer, sewer workers brought the families food everyday. It was dangerous to help the Jews, but the sewer workers felt that it was only right to help out.

Irena Sendlerowa made a sacrifice that she didn't need to make. She smuggled 2,500 children out of the Warsaw ghetto which was punishable by death. In fact, Sendlerowa was caught and sentenced to death but bribed her way out. Irena believed that no one deserved the cruelty that the Nazis were inflicting on the Jews. On March 15th, 2007 Sendlerowa received the Nobel peace prize and later said in an interview,
"I was brought up to believe that a person must be rescued when drowning, regardless of religion and nationality."
This quote proves that people did have beliefs against the Nazis, and some made sacrifices to help Jews.

Irena and Krystyna are role models in the bravery and sacrifice they had during the Holocaust. Although their stories aren't widely known, the fact that they did happen makes a big change for those few that have read them.

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